Our Members by Country (A-M) Armenia ➜ Yerevan State Puppet Theatre after Hovhannes Toumanian Australia ➜ AUS.ti ➜ Lieder Theatre Company ➜ Teatroff Drama (Dormant) Austria ➜ Österreichischer Bundesverband für außerberufliches Theater, ÖBV Theater ➜ Salzburger Amateurtheaterverband SAV ➜ Josef Hollos Bangladesh ➜ People's Theatre Association ➜ Blackflame Theatre Belgium AITA/IATA has Members in the Self Governing Territory (SGT) of Flanders (art. 6 of AITA/IATA asbl Constitution). Bulgaria ➜ The Golden Key Theatre Canada ➜ The Saint John Theatre Company Inc ➜ Double Défi ➜ Smile Group Canada ➜ KingDom Theatre ➜ Zillur Rahman John Catalonia (Self-Governing Territory) ➜ Federacio De Grups Amateurs De Theatre De Catalunya ` Colombia ➜ HAT Teatro Colombia Czech Republic (also known as Czechia) ➜ AITA/IATA Czech Centre, c/o NIPOS Denmark ➜ DATS / Dansk Amateur Teater & Scenekunst ➜ Villy Dall AITA/IATA also has a Member in the Self-Governing Territory (SGT) of The Faroes (art. 6 of AITA/IATA asbl Constitution) Estonia ➜ Eesti Harrastusteatrite Liit The Faroes (Self-Governing Territory) ➜ Meginfelag áhugaleikara Føroya, MAF Finland ➜ Finnish Centre of AITA/IATA – TNL Flanders (Self-Governing Territory) ➜ OPENDOEK Vlaanderen en Brussel ➜ STALTEATER ➜ Theater DE WAANZIN ➜ Rob Van Genechten France ➜ FNCTA Fédération Nationale des Compagnies de Théâtre amateur et d’Animation ➜ Théâtre de la ROELE Georgia ➜ Et Cetera (Dormant) ➜ Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University’s theatre “skhveni” ➜ Sighnaghi Theatre ➜ Theatre School-Studio "Berikebi" Germany ➜ BDAT Bund Deutscher Amateurtheater e.V. ➜ Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) Spiel & Theater e. V. ➜ Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum der Emsländischen Landschaft e.V. ➜Theater am Olgaeck e.V. Great Britain (Self-Governing Territory) ➜ ITE – International Theatre Exchange Great Britain (incl. England, Scotland and Wales) ➜ The Questors Theatre ➜ The Unknown Theatre Company ➜ Aled Rhys-Jones Greece ➜Theater Group "Other Side", Tassos Alatzas Honduras ➜ Teatro La Fragua Hungary ➜ Magyar Szín-Játékos Szövetség Hungarian Federations of Hungarian Amateur Theatres and Players Iceland ➜ BIL/Bandalag Íslenskra Leikfélaga India ➜ THEATRE MOVEMENT Indonesia ➜ SATU KATA Indonesia AITA/IATA National Centre (Dormant) ➜ Teater Tanah Air Ireland ➜ StageSchool Ireland ➜ Mary Pears Israel ➜ Nurit Katzir Jerusalem Theatre Center ➜ Veronika Platonova (Dormant) Italy ➜ Federazione Italiana Teatro Amatori FITA / UILT / Unione Italiana Libero Teatro ➜ Associazione Teatrale Friulana AITA/IATA also has Members in the Self Governing Territory (SGT) of South-Tyrol (art. 6 of AITA/IATA asbl Constitution) Japan ➜ NADA / Japanese Centre of AITA/IATA ➜ Theatre Company Bungeiza ➜ KASAI Dancing Company Drama Section (Dormant) Korea (Rep. of) ➜ South Korean AITA/IATA National Centre ➜ Pohang Bada International Theater Festival, PBITF (Dormant) ➜ Hyun Sook Kim (English name Anna Kim) ➜ Boram Lee (Dormant) Latvia ➜ Latvijas Amatieru Teatru Asociacija LATA Lithuania ➜ Lithuanian Amateur Theatre Association (LMTS) Malaysia ➜ Lee Wushu Arts Theatre ➜ Chow Drama Theatre Mexico ➜ Teatro la Cueva México (Dormant) ➜ Monterrey Performing Arts Academy Monaco ➜ Studio de Monaco Morocco ➜ Dramatic Association for Artistic Creation ➜ Hassany Anouar Reach out to AITA/IATA Contact us today to find out more about our Global Network for Amateur Theatre Get Involved