GA Documents 2018 - 2024

40th General Assembly (GA) - online 2024

The AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly (GA) was held on online on 15 June 2024 and voting was entirely electronic.

Access the 2024 GA Forum Book, which include the draft minutes of the 2023 GA, in the three official languages of AITA/IATA which were agreed by the 2024 GA.

The draft Minutes of the 2024 GA are below, but they will remain in draft until they are agreed at the 2025 GA to be held in Monaco. For more information about Monaco see under EVENTS on this website,

New Members elected at the General Assembly

During the GA, delegates approved unanimously that the following organisations and individuals become either a National Centre or an Associate

National Centre:
Netherlands - Stichting Visie AmateurTheater
Slovakia - Národné osvetové centrum

Associate Member:
Bangladesh - Blackflame Theatre
Germany - Theater am Olgaeck e.V,
Georgia - Theater School-Studio "Berikebi"
Malaysia - Chow Drama Theatre
Mexico - Monterrey Performing Arts Academy
Turkey - Melike Ersoy
USA - Georgian Youth Theatre


The AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly (GA) was held on 24 June 2023 in Debrecen Hungary. Voting for all delegates was electronic.

The DRAFT minutes of the 2023 GA were agreed at the online 2024 GA.

The Minutes of the 2023 GA were agreed unanimously at the 2024 online GA.

Delegates at the 2023 GA

A technical problem at the GA being resolved by people from 14 nationalities

38th GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Online 2022

The AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly and Forum was held on 23 July 2022 online by Zoom and voting procedures were electronic.

Access the GA Book and draft minute of the 2022 GA in the 3 Official languages of the Association

The minutes of this General Assembly will also be published in the Forum Book of the 2023 39th General Assembly to be held in Debrecen, Hungary.

37th GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Monaco 2021

In accordance with the Constitution of AITA/IATA asbl, the 2021 General Assembly was held in Monaco on 22 August and proceeded to the renewal of Council.

The Presiding Chair for the GA Dirk De Corte, led Members present in Monaco and via Zoom, through a packed Agenda. The Members agreed to changes in the Constitution which included an agreement to give Associates the right to vote.

Changes made to the Constitution will come in to being from 1st September 2021.

Council Members who finished their Mandate

President Béatrice Cellario, Vice-President Rob Van Genechten, Treasurer Villy Dall and Councillor Pierre Cellario finished their mandate. Councillor Christel Gbaguidi was not reelected.

Newly Appointed President of AITA/AITA

➜ Aled Rhys-Jones, (Great Britain UK)

After the appointment of 6 new Councillors, Council will be composed as follows:

➜ Tim Jebsen (USA)
➜ Sofia Wegelius (Finland)
➜ Anna-Karin Waldemarson (Sweden)
➜ Carlos Taberneiro (Spain) -appointed in 2019
➜ Frank Katoola (Uganda) - appointed in 2019
➜ Ksenia Nesterova (Russian Federation)
➜ Patrick Schoenstein (France)
➜ Stephen Tobias (Canada)

Access the Forum Book in the 3 Official languages of the Association

Questions can be asked by email from the AITA/IATA asbl Secretariat at

36th GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Online 2020

The AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly and Forum was held on 1 August 2020. The COVID-19 crisis meant that the 2020 AITA/IATA General Assembly (GA) had to be held online by Zoom and that voting procedures were electronic.

Access the GA Book in the 3 Official languages of the Association

The minutes of this General Assembly will be published in the General Assembly Book of the 2021 37th General Assembly that will be held in Monaco.

35th GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Saint John, NB, Canada 2019

The 2019 AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly Book is available in the three languages. The AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly and Forum was held in Saint John NB, Canada 29 August 2019.

Access the Forum Book in the 3 Official languages of the Association

No amendments to the proposals were made during the Assembly. The minutes of this General Assembly will be published in the General Assembly Book of the 2020 36th General Assembly that will be held online.

34th General Assembly - Lingen, Germany 2018

The 2018 AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly Book is available in the three languages. The AITA/IATA asbl General Assembly and Forum was held in Lingen, Germany on 28 June 2018.

Access the GA Book in the 3 Official languages of the Association

No amendments to the proposed texts were made during the Assembly. A note on the proposed changes is included in the GA book on pages 32 to 34. The minutes of this General Assembly will be published in the General Assembly Book of the 2019 35th General Assembly that will be held in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.

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